Court Fencing
providing fencing solutions for your sporting ground.
Sport forms an integral part of the Australian culture and is highly beneficial for communities. It is therefore important for sporting grounds to be adequately protected through fencing.
We specialise in supplying and installing PVC chainwire fencing for your outdoor sports surfaces. We use chainwire fencing on numerous sporting surfaces including basketball, netball, tennis courts and cricket netting. Chainwire fencing is a cost-efficient solution with great longevity and durability. It is easy to maintain and repair and as such, is our primary fencing choice.
Custom designed installations
Our fencing installations are custom designed to the client’s requirements and to the specific sport surface. We take into consideration, the area surrounding the sport surface to ensure that we choose the correct fencing solution for you. If you need assistance in choosing a fencing for your next sporting ground, let Major Sport Surfaces guide you in the right direction and gain, not only a great sporting surface but the right fence for the job as well!
Contact Us Now!
Major Sports Surfaces will continue to be an innovative Company using quality products and can assure all their clients, old and new, of their commitment to excel in both construction development and service.